Your a small business, just starting out, building your customer base and trying to develop your brand in a crowded market place. You now need to start marketing yourself to the wider public, getting new customers to understand the value of your product vs your competitors and attracting new audiences.
Just becase you have a small business budget, does not mean you can only do small marketing. Some ideas for free marketing you can do to promote your business
1. Social Media - Social media is free - it just takes time. Before jumping into soclal media, understand how you want to use it to interact with your audience and start interacting. Ensure your business social media strategy is about your customers, not about you and your staff, Every post, make sure there is a benefit to your customer in following you.
2. Press Releases - No one knows your business as well as you. You are an expert in your product/ services. Use this to write press releases to media to communicate your messages and core benefits for customers. Not sure about writing a press release. Icon can help. Call us today.
3. Use your customer Database - One of the greatest values of your business is your customer database. If a customer is on your database, they already have an experience with your business, so use this to gain more business. Communicate to them consistenly and regularly.
Icon understands marketing for small businesses
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