Why pay for it when you can get it for free right? Wrong! A free web hosting company truly proves the statement you get what you pay for. You pay nothing so expect nothing in return get nothing in return. No service, no support, no Google searches, no space and the list goes on.
Any company that offers anything free has to make this up somewhere else. Often by tying people to long term contracts, or by compromising on standards, service and/or support. In some cases the cost is very simply that they make it impossible for you to ever transfer your site away from them.
Sure, free web hosting might seem like a low cost – or no cost – option to get your website online, however the many shortcomings of free web hosting far outweigh the monthly hosting fee of having a domain name website.
It is always better to own you domain name, because it allows ownership and customisation of your web site, giving you more freedom and flexibility than if you are using a free host. It will always be better to pay the dollars and get your own website name then to use a free hosting service.
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