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Tick Tock Tick Tock– That’s Google’s deadline counting down for HTTPS migration

June 5, 2018

Michael Jackson

Google has announced a July 2018 deadline for when Google Chrome will begin explicitly warning users if a site is insecure. HTTP sites will be all deemed insecure and be penalised by losing rankings in search returns. HTTPS sites, that is sites with a current SSL Certificate, are deemed secure.

The warning has been impacting website users since the announcement last year.

Why is Google
blocking my site?

Google doesn’t see this move as blocking sites or unfairly target businesses, but as part of there strategy for a more secure browsing experience.
From the Google Security Blog:

“For the past several years, we’ve moved toward a more secure web by strongly advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption. And within the last year, we’ve also helped users understand that HTTP sites are not secure by gradually marking a larger subset of HTTP pages as “not secure”. Beginning in July 2018 with the release of Chrome 68, Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as “not secure”. [1]

What's the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

In simple terms, the S at the end of HTTP deems it a secure site, meaning all communications between your Google Chrome browser and the website are encrypted and cannot be intercepted, which is important for customer privacy sensitive financial information. The Not Secure warning for HTTP sites doesn't necessarily mean that data transmitted to and from the site will be intercepted, or even could be, it merely means there's no public assurance.

3 reasons you need an SSL before the deadline

Here are three reasons why you need a SSL Certificate urgently:

Don’t Disappear on Google - If you don’t get a SSL Certificate, from July1, expect your organic search rankings to take a hit in visitors.
Don’t block visitors – Google Chrome is making it difficult for users to navigate past the NOT SECURE page. While savvy Chrome users know how to navigate past this warning, many will simply click back and go to another site, likely your competitor’s website.
An SSL Certificate encrypts the data passing between your site’s server and a user’s internet browser (e.g. credit card details, name). Your customers are entrusting you with this information, you need to demonstrate you are doing the right thing and protecting it.

How do I get a secure HTTPS website?

Getting a secure site and not being penalized by Google Chrome is a simple process of applying an SSL (Secure Sockets Lock) certificate to your website. Having an SSL certificate installed will display the green “Secure” padlock which will give your customers an element of trust in your website.

Icon can help you secure your site and not be penalized by Google Chrome. Call today on 1300 138 984 and ask to speak to Trevor or Michael.


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