There’s a scene in Finding Nemo where Dory, the forgetful royal blue tang fish, is in a sea of jellyfish but is distracted by one of the small shiny jelly fish – “I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. Come on, Squishy Come on, littleSquishy.” Distracted, she then gets stung by all the jelly fish. She has shiny object syndrome. In a kid’s movie, it’s funny. In business, not so much!
In marketing, many of us can be accused of suffering from shiny new thing or shiny object syndrome when it comes to social media. We get so hung up on the new technology of different social media we forget to link it back to our marketing strategy and for our social media to have a reason.
Sometimes the lure of the shiny new thing is so tempting that business owners, marketing departments and entire organisations get distracted by it an lose business focus.. By pursuing every single shiny new object that comes into sight, businesses lose sight of their core business strategy
and what has served them well so far.
Regardless of the technology or latest app or social sharing site, never lose sight of the core business strategy and marketing strategy
and simple use these technologies to deliver on your business goals.
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