Business is business, so the old saying goes. The implication is that business is just about money. Do we really believe that? In a world driven by customer service and satisfaction, we all live and die by the customer experience. The customer experience is not just a monetary transaction. The customer experience is based upon the core values of the people that interact.
A company is much more than the products and services it sells. The intangible value that customers buy is linked very deeply to what we would define in a very general term of Service.
Service can be broken down to many things but at the heart of it are the core values that keep any business or organisation turning. The core values of integrity, care, putting people first, exceeding expectation are not new, but delivering them in a difficult economic climate is. The sustainability and integrity of the values of any organisation must be deep rooted, consistent and above circumstances. Is this possible? The answer is yes and the answer lies in the internal value system of the company leader and the team.
A leader who understands the foundations and origins of their value system, will always inspire their team, to be people of character and integrity. An integrity that is above circumstance. Not easy, but is essential if the company or brand is to grow in difficult times.
As a brand is increasingly defined by the experience it gives its customers, the core brand values are directly linked to the customer expectation and satisfaction, which in turn are linked to the people that service you and a leader that inspires his or her people. Do you know the basis and origin of your value system?
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