One of the truths of modern business is that there is almost nothing that your competitors can’t duplicate in a matter of weeks or months.
If you have a great idea, you can be certain that somebody will copy it before long. And not only will they follow your lead, but they may also be able to do a better job or sell the product or service at a lower price.
The question then becomes, "What competitive edge do I have to offer that cannot be copied by anyone else?"
The Answer? Your brand.
Creating a strong business brand identity will build mind share - one of the strongest competitive advantages imaginable. As a result, customers will think of your business first when they think of your product category.
Icon can help you create a strong brand identity by putting our experience marketing minds to work and establishing a competitive positioning that is clearly conveyed by Icon's expert design team.
Download the Icon Visual Marketing Rebranding White Paper for advise on rebranding and on building a strong brand.
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